To scan a frequency band with an SDR we will need a python tool known as rtlsdr-scanner which is present in the kali-linux-sdr package. This is a simple tool which creates a frequency to levels graph which can be used for statistical analysis. If you are using a version of Kali Linux other than 5.0 you might have to run the command apt-get install kali-linux-sdr to get all the tools of the package.
How to?
To find out if you have the sdr pacakge installed you can check for Kali Linux /wireless attacks/Software Defined Radio.

How to?
- Open the terminal window and type rtlsdr-scanner and hit enter.
- Now set the start and stop range of the frequency.
- Then click on start to generate the graph.
- At the end you will get a graph which you can use for analysis.
To find out if you have the sdr pacakge installed you can check for Kali Linux /wireless attacks/Software Defined Radio.
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