We had shared articles on tracking airplanes with SDR on windows. Here is how you do it on Linux. We will be using Kali Linux in our example but you can do it on any other distribution as well. The number of dependencies required may vary from distribution to distribution.
How to?
How to?
1) Before we start with the actual script you might need a couple of dependencies which means you might have to do a couple of apt-gets:-
apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
apt-get install libusb-dev
2) After you are done you might need to get dump1090 from GitHub:-
3) Now you will have to cd into the folder and recompile the script:-
cd dump1090
4)Now to run it use the command:-
./dump1090 --interactive
To explore more options you can the command ./dump1090 --help. The best thing is that the script is open source so you can modify it as per your desires.