Sniffing wireless networks without rooting your phone..

Sniffing from an android phone can be an great advantage when it comes to testing corporate security as it is easy to smuggle a phone into a building instead of a laptop or a computer.The main problem with wireless sniffing on android phones is that you might need root access to do so. As rooting voids your warranty, most users don't prefer to root their phones. So we started searching for alternative software that can do the task without root access. The 2 most effective tools from the lot are tpacketCapture and Wi-Fi PCAP Capture.

Wi-Fi PCAP Capture is based on kismet and its usage is available at where as tpacketCapture is developed by taosoftware co,ltd. 
Wi-Fi PCAP Capture is open sourced where as tpacketCapture is copyright protected. 
Wi-Fi PCAP Capture requires an external wireless card which will not work if your phone doesn't have OTG compatibility where as tpacketCapture uses the inbuilt wireless card of your phone which means that tpacketCapture will work on eventually any out of the box phone.
Both these apps save the captured data in the form of .pcap file which can be then analyzed in Wireshark. The one thing that both these apps lack was the ability to analyze the captured packets. over all these apps performed well in the tests but we did notice that Wi-Fi PCAP only worked with particularity phones and external wireless card as stated on their official website

You will have to choose a location to save the captured files or else they will be saved to the default location which might be a problem if your phone memory is really low.

Using mdk3 to kill wireless networks

mdk3 is a network stress testing tool. It is basically a proof of concept tool which is can be used for exploitation of the weaknesses of  IEEE 802.11 protocol. It is like the LOIC for wireless networks.

How to?

  1. open a new terminal window and type airmon-ng start wlan0 (To start the monitoring mode on your wireless card.).
  2. Now type mdk3 mon0 d -c[channels on which the router is transmitting] and hit enter.
  3. If you have another USB wireless card you can do the same for it as well, it will be like attempting a DDOS on wireless networks.

For more options type mdk3 --fullhelp and hit enter.

Creating graphs with Casefile

CaseFile is a compact version of Maltego. It is used to gather and sort information in the form of graphs which is helpful to cops and investigators for analysis of raw information. 

How to?

  1. Open a new terminal window & type casefile and hit enter.
  2. Now click on menu button and select new.
  3. From the pallet drag and drop entities.There is a wide range of entity categories to choose from.
  4. To create a relationship among the entities click just out side the boarder of the entity and extend the arrow to other entities which you want to relate to. For two way entity relationship do the process twice.
  5. Save the graph for future use by clicking on save from the menu.

The graph shown as example is imaginary.