Installing Debian with GNURoot!!

GNURoot is an android app which helps you to run a terminal emulator of some select distributions on android on an android phone without rooting it.

How to

  1. Download the GNURoot app from the play store.
  2. Open the app and select Create New Rootfs.
  3. Now download and install the other part of  the app, I am installing wheezy which is a form of debian.
  4. Now launch the by selecting the Launch Rootfs (make sure the checked box is checked).                                                               
Now if you only need only debian you can try the other trick.
  1. Download the GNURoot debian form the play store.
  2. Click on install/reinstall to install the distro.
  3. Now hit launch to start the terminal emulator.
  4. And you are done.                                                   

This is better than debian noroot as it is more convenient to type commands but lacks a GUI interface of the distro. 

Mini,light & regular: What's different?

Now we all know that there are three types of Kali Linux ISO, the difference between these ISOs are that:-
The regular version is the fully fledged Kali Linux with the cool GUI and has all the tools, this version can be installed as a bootable media.

The light version is a stripped up version of Kali Linux,it only has some main tools like sqlmap, nmap, etc. It looks more like CentOS.
And can be installed on bootable media.

Mini:- The mini is the a version which is the smallest one of all which can be used to install it with internet access.This one cannot be installed on bootable media and you can only be access it  after the distro is installed. This only consist of the core packages. And you might have to do a lot of apt-gets to get it to a full fledged environment. 

Hide it!!(basics of steganography)

Steganography is a technique of hiding data in a audio or a image file. Originally designed for spies, this technique is often used by malicious elements and government officials. But now a days all sorts of people use it to hide their data even if its sensitive or not.
There are a bunch of tools that are available on the internet that you can download and use. All these tools have simple wizards which can be used to hide your data. 
For example I can use any random software to explain it but I would prefer using DeepSound to explain it.

How to? 

  1. Download and install Deepsound on your computer.
  2. Now open Deepsound, you will see a window like this.
  3. First of all select the carrier file in which you want hide the data.                            
  4. Now add the files which you want to hide.
  5. Hit encode to start the encoding.
  6. Now you will you can check the check-box under encrypt to set a password if you want to make it even more secure else just hit OK.                         
  7.  To extract the data just open the file under the  carrier file tab and hit extract secret file.

Hum I have see this somewhere.......

Debian on android without rooting.

Now we have seen people installing Linux on their android phones after rooting it, lately I was wondering if this could be done without the root access. There are may ways to do this but the easiest way I could find was this.

How to?

  1. Download the Debian noroot app from play store.
  2. Now open the app and wait till it downloads the required files

  3. Now the app will boot Debian.
  4. And that's it we have Debian.
  • Now you can install Kali packages on top of it, when installed it only consist of the core packages only.
  • If you have OTG support then it will make your life a lot easy. My Setup was something like this:-